Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 114 Move to North Mooring Field

Day 114- Moving Around in Exuma Park

Thursday, March 26, 2009
The weather predictions are that the winds will move around to the south and south east on Friday. This will be perfect for a sail north to Powell Point and Rock Sound, Eleuthera. Our park-assigned mooring at Emerald Rock was close to the park office via a dinghy ride through very shallow water, but was an hour trip in the big boat. How could that be? Well, the sandy shoals make it necessary to sail way out onto the Exuma Banks and back around a huge sandy shoal back to the north mooring field (Warderick Wells). So to put ourselves in the best mooring for an early exit into the deep, dark blue waters of Exuma Sound, we requested and got assigned a new mooring in the north mooring field.
After tying up to our new mooring, we went again to the Park Office for three important things. 1. We needed to pay for the mooring. 2. We needed to swap old read books for old unread books. And, 3. we needed to see if the memorials to my sister’s friend were documented anywhere. We were successful on all three accounts! My sister’s friend—Richard Sayrs—was documented on a big plaque of Park Donors outside the park office. Richard and his wife cruised for years in this area. They home schooled their two daughters as they lived aboard their sailboat and Exuma Park was one of their favorite places. When Rich passed away ten or so years ago, the family asked that memorial donations be sent to Exuma Park in his memory. The donors plaque included the names of many of the rich & famous folks who love the park too. Listed were Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, and Jimmy Buffet. Rich's was the only one we saw that was labeled "In Memory Of".
And, not only did we see the plaque, but also we saw all the wonderful things that Park donations are doing to preserve this beautiful part of the Bahamas.

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