Today is Friday, February 27, 2009 and we are thinking that the Caribbean Soul should be off sailing someplace else right now. HOWEVER, squalls and stormy weather all week have kept us here in the safe and snug little harbour of George Town, Exuma.
This—our third week in Elizabeth Harbour, George Town, Exuma—is not too exciting, but we don’t want you to be left out of any part of our trip. So—boring or not—here is our week.
Sunday (Day 82) I went back to St. Andrew’s Anglican for another 2 ½ hour service! After church, I met an interesting Bahamian who is the principal of St. Andrew’s Anglican School here on the island. She and I exchanged email addresses hoping to chat about being principals. When we get to internet on shore, I will post her a note and check to see what is in our email box. It is interesting that the thing I seem to miss the most in this cruising life is the internet! Somehow, I had convinced myself that the “internet air card” we have with Verizon would work over here in the Bahamas—but it does not.
After church on Sunday, John and I had a lovely lunch at the pool-side bar of the Peace & Plenty. We didn’t take pictures, but you can check it out at . It’s a great spot and one of our favorites from ten years ago. The bartender is the same Lemon Rolle—the Dr. of Libation!
On Monday (Day 83), we were in town long enough to visit the library and rent a phone to square away some bills. We have discovered that one cannot possibly have too many books on board—perhaps some of you already knew that.

On Tuesday (Day 84), we did boat chores. Here is Capt. John doing his disappearing act down in the lazarette to add fresh water to the batteries. Coincidentally, we just got email from Dave Pierce (previous captain of Caribbean Soul) reminding us to do this. Thanks Dave--we're on it!

Wednesday (Ash Wednesday & Day 85) was a strange day—it was sort of like a sick day without being sick. The winds were so high and the harbour so choppy, we couldn’t do much of anything. So, we just stayed in bed and read all day. Occasionally we’d get up to make coffee and toast—see what we mean—just like a sick day!
Thursday ( Day 86) continued to be windy, but we sat out in the cockpit to read. Thursday evening we—and about 30 other boat-bound sailors—jumped into our dinghy and took a short (but very wet) ride over to the nearest beach for a sunset gathering. Folks brought snacks to share and their own drinks and musical instruments. We met some nice folks from Maryland who just arrived on their Tartan 37 sailboat (just like ours). The little group of musicians played bluegrass, Jimmy Buffet, folk, etc. We sang along and tried to do a little clogging in the sand (not an easy thing to do).
Today (Day 87), we plan to motor the big boat across Elizabeth Harbour to the George Town side and finish provisioning for a trip to the Jumentos and Ragged Islands. Hopefully, we can get on someone’s internet and post this blog and check email. We always look forward to connecting our little floating home with yours!